The digital transformation, the amount of data produced by people and companies, the increasingly robust and cloud-hosted software, demand an acceleration in the evolution of the telecommunications market. All this requires new ways of connecting and devices with large processing power.

In addition, the new coronavirus pandemic has forced people to change their habits, which has also generated a greater demand for these technological trends. For you to better understand this new and evolving panorama, in this post we present 5 technology trends that highlight this digital revolution that is based on the increasing demand for speed and efficiency.

Want to know what these technology trends are? Read on!


Gone are the days when working in an office meant sitting in front of a computer at the same desk all day. With wireless connections, cloud computing, and the evolution of mobile and portable devices, professionals now have the freedom to work from anywhere with any device.

As a result, many companies have given employees the freedom to bring and work with their own devices. This trend is known worldwide as Bring Your Own Device, or simply BYOD, and it is here to stay. Besides benefiting the employee, who now has more freedom to work from anywhere, BYOD also benefits the company by reducing expenses.


A few decades ago, for a person to be able to make a phone call, he or she would have to look for a public telephone booth or invest in a telephone line – which was an expensive and bureaucratic process. After the privatization of telecommunications, the market evolved and cell phones became popular. But calls continued to be expensive and unviable for part of the population.

With the evolution of broadband internet, a new modality appeared, the digital call, via IP telephony. In this modality, the analog calls give way to the digital signal, transmitted via the internet. This was already enough to reduce costs, after all, the call is now transmitted online, like any other action taken over the Internet, without the need for a specific infrastructure for this.

Many companies use digital telephony as standard for internal communication, with branches and partners. In addition to commercial use, the digital call has become popular and has become part of the features of free messaging applications such as Messenger and WhatsApp. Today it is possible to make a free call anywhere in the world using one of these applications.


If in the past the notion we had of an internet connection was a computer connected to a wire, in a few decades this view has changed a lot. And we are not just talking about mobile devices, which allow us to stay connected 24 hours a day, from anywhere. Technology has already advanced a few steps; today, any object that has a system can connect to the web.

This technological trend is known as the Internet of Things, or IoT, and covers the concept of connecting objects to the internet and to each other in a more applied way.

The internet of things has made the complete automation of productive sectors feasible, as is the case with Amazon GO, a store where the customer goes in, gets what he wants, and leaves without going through checkouts. To make this possible, smart sensors and cameras monitor the customer and know exactly what he or she has picked up and returned to the shelf. When the customer leaves the store the purchase is automatically debited from his credit card.

But it’s not just big companies that benefit, the Internet of Things is becoming a popular technology. With home automation, many people monitor their own home remotely via the Internet and can perform remote actions. For example, a person can check if he or she has left a window open and close it. Or, on a hot day, turn on the air conditioning before arriving home so that the room is already acclimated.


Every smartphone user is already used to the terms 3G and 4G, after all, these are the standards we use in mobile internet today. Well, these two standards have their days counted, after all, 5G technology comes with everything to enable not only mobile telephony, but also the internet of things on a large scale.

The big differential of 5G technology is its low latency, high speed and ability to connect multiple objects, such as drones and cars, for example. Still behind in relation to 5G, because there is an impasse about which technology will be adopted, but the first steps for the implementation of this structure have already been taken.

The arrival of 5G will open the way for the evolution of a number of technological trends, such as the viability of the so-called smart cities, where public services will be automated and run by artificial intelligence.


Anyone over the age of 30 probably had the experience of dial-up internet, which was slow and took up the phone line signal – if someone was calling, you couldn’t connect to the internet and if you were connected, you couldn’t answer the phone.

This changed with the arrival of ADSL internet and radio internet, which, besides giving more speed, freed up the phone for its usual function. As the technological world tends to evolve faster and faster, it did not take long for these two new means of transmission to become obsolete, after all, with people playing games and consuming online streaming services, speed and stability became paramount.

To meet this new demand, a new technology is becoming popular, fiber optics. Unlike ADSL, in which copper cables are used, fiber optic cables are made of hair-sized strands of glass, coated in two layers of reflective plastic.

Data is transported through light continuously and quickly. Among the main benefits of fiber optics is that the medium does not suffer from electromagnetic interference – reducing instabilities and latency. The signal is clean and quality.

As we have seen, the new technology trends related to telecommunications only tend to evolve, and the Internet is one of the enabling technologies for all of them. Therefore, first of all, it is important that the user of these means count on a quality provider, such as Intnet, which offers good plans and uses state-of-the-art technology, such as fiber optics.