Digital transformation has made it necessary for companies to constantly adapt and, in this scenario, change management has also become fundamental for them to absorb, follow and leverage the use of new technologies.
The Tech sector, for example, has gained a prominent role in this conjuncture, revealing itself as an important generator of business, opportunities, and challenges. But dealing with these new adaptations, circumstances, and demands is also a great challenge.
Therefore, today, we will explain the concept of change management and how it ensures that these transformations happen with quality, safety, and efficiency. Check it out and understand!
What is change management?
In the corporate world, changes can be as much about direction and market as about values, systems, or practices. But regardless of the form, size, and context of a change, one thing is always certain: these transformations will directly impact the way the sectors work and organize themselves.
And when we talk about the Technology area, these changes are even more noticeable. After all, every day the market is flooded with new tools, frameworks, languages, and practices that make the old solutions almost obsolete.
In this sense, we can say that change management is the structuring and application of a set of tools that will act in all layers and individuals of an organization, with the aim of helping them to prepare for new situations.
This includes everything from removing or adding a new process, tool, or practice to changing the culture and behavior of a team. In other words, change management is responsible for supporting teams seeking to implement new solutions successfully and efficiently. A good example of this is the application of business agility.
This practice is one of the best ways to tangent the technological advances of a company, always respecting the dynamics and processes of each business.
Change management in IT:
Change management is basically based on three steps:
- Prioritization;
- Planning;
- Testing;
In the initial stage, of prioritization, the team needs to list all the changes it wants or needs to implement, after that, this list should go through an analysis, in which it will be defined which demands should be treated as a priority and which can still wait. A good tip here is to also count on the vision of other sectors.
After all, it is necessary that everyone is aware of the benefits that these changes will offer, and also understands the importance of making them.

And, after prioritizing the needs, we then create a planning schedule. This is where the implementation plans, impacts, and corrections will be defined. All this will help to control the unforeseen and prevent the change process from being inefficient.
Once the processes have been defined, it’s time to execute them: in the implementation and testing stage, you should closely monitor the first steps of the schedule, making sure that everything is going according to plan. It is also important to develop a report that describes what worked and what still needs to be improved.
And what are the benefits of this practice?
Well, besides organizing, documenting, and ensuring the efficiency of a transformation, change management also helps reduce costs; after all, no major change can be made before weighing the financial impact of the application, thus avoiding waste and optimizing the results.
In addition, developers and other tech professionals will have their scope of implementations well planned and defined, ensuring a gradual and unforced change. The number of emergency activities and actions, for example, is considerably reduced.
In this sense, we can also highlight the decrease in process failures, improving the monitoring of activities. This helps the IT staff to optimize their work, without having to deal with huge queues of problems to fix or solve. In this sense, applying change management also ensures a higher probability of meeting the requirements of a project and, of course, of organization.
After all, change is inevitable, especially for those who are willing to achieve success. But for a company, a team, or even a single person to understand and benefit from a transformation, they need – in fact – to understand the different stages that involve this process, thus reaching their full potential.
And it is precisely change management that will do this naturally and gradually, ensuring that all this is done in a tangible, transparent, and manageable way.